A blessing of stage one of the McKenzie Higham Architects’ redevelopment of Northland School - Te Kura o Orangi Kaupapa took place before dawn last Friday on a beautiful still cool morning, finishing just as the sun rose over the Orongorongos. The blessing was undertaken by members of the local iwi, Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika.
This marked the culmination of 18 months of work on site to complete the first stage of the school upgrade and rebuild, which consists of 3 large studio teaching spaces, a new library space, and the formation of a new entry into the school.
The dawn blessing was attended by the Principal, teachers, parents and students, as well as a number of the design team, construction team, and a representative from the Ministry of Education.
Stage two, including a new school hall and landscaping, is underway and expected to be completed late 2021.